Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's about time...

After four years of owning this car, it's finally time:

That's right, I finally have my license plate mounted on the back of the car instead of displayed in the back window. My friend John took pity on my and figured out what was needed to get it done. He also fixed the driver's door that didn't like to open unless you kneed it just under the lock. It's good to have friends.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Call

At 6:30 this morning, my mom called and told me that Uncle Bob passed away. The hospital had called in the very early hours of the morning and said he wasn't doing well and they should come up. Several of them were able to be in the room with him when he passed. I know it is better for him because he isn't in anymore pain, but we are all going to miss him.

(This picture was taken a few years ago when I was in Reno visiting.)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Nothing Interesting?

So last week I was lamenting the fact that I didn't have anything interesting to post about. All I've done lately is work, which isn't super post-worthy and there aren't pictures to go with it.

Unfortunately, I have something to post about now. On Saturday, my mom called me and told me that my uncle Bob was admitted to the hospital. His blood pressure was low, his heart rate was high and they thought he had internal bleeding. So she and my sisters headed out on Monday to go out there to visit him. They were able to visit him in the ICU and while they said he didn't look good, he was able to respond and talk a little to them. Unfortunately, also on Monday, my mom's brother Hugh J was also admitted to the hospital with an aneurysm. As of right now he is out of surgery, but not out of danger.

I have been worrying and stressing over what I should do. I can't really afford to take time off right now, but on the other hand I would really like to see both my uncles. So, after making myself sick, not being able to sleep for stressing and giving mysef a SPECTACULAR headache, I talked to my mom and decided I should go ahead and go out there this weekend. I fly out late Friday night and come home Monday.

But I think I will be more careful next time I wish for something interesting to blog about.